Chemical Composition of Water Lily (Nymphaea lotus) Bulbs Citation


Chinedu Imo at Federal University Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria.
  • Federal University Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria.

Ambikya Attah Samuel

Abstract and Figures

Water lily (Nymphaea lotus) bulbs from Mankhanwa River in Ibi – Nigeria were quantified for their biochemical composition. Proximate composition, anti-nutritional factors, minerals, vitamins and phytochemical contents in the plant bulb were assayed using Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) standard methods. Values were obtained in duplicate and results tabulated using mean ± standard deviation. The result of the proximate analysis shows the following composition: crude fat (5.07 ± 0.01%), crude fiber (13.30 ± 0.02), crude protein (21.66 ± 0.01), ash (8.34 ± 0.01), moisture (9.72 ± 0.00) and carbohydrate (41.92 ± 0.06%). The present research also revealed that Nymphaea lotus bulb contains some vital phytochemicals: phytate (3.68 ± 0.01 mg/100g), tannin (13.63 ± 0.01), saponins (4.89 ± 0.01) and lycopene (1.96 ± 0.01) and very rich in minerals: phosphorus (635.39 ± 0.01 mg/100g), potassium (742.89 ± 0.04), sodium (431.53 ± 0.01), zinc (8.16 ± 0.01) and magnesium (87.46 ± 0.01). Other minerals obtained in this research include: cadmium, lead and copper in trace quantity. Vitamin A (51.36 ± 0.02 mg/100g) and C (24.65 ± 0.02) were found in moderate quantities. Other vitamins obtained in trace amount include: B1, B2 and E. Anti-nutrients were found to also exist in trace quantities. Information from this biochemical quantification suggests that the bulb from this important aquatic plant can be incorporated as a good source of nutrients in food industries for flour production, pharmaceutical industries for drug production as well as in the cosmetic industries.
Content may be subject to copyright.
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
2017; 4(2): 7-12
ISSN: 2375-3935

Nymphaea lotus,

Received: March 10, 2017
Accepted: April 27, 2017
Published: July 5, 2017

Chemical Composition of Water Lily
Nymphaea lotus
) Bulbs
Ezeonu Chukwuma Stephen*, Arowora Kayode Adebisi,
Imo Chinedu, Ambikya Attah Samuel
Department of Biochemistry, Federal University Wukari, Wukari, Nigeria
Email address (C. S. Ezeonu)
*Corresponding author
Ezeonu Chukwuma Stephen, Arowora Kayode Adebisi, Imo Chinedu, Ambikya Attah Samuel.
Chemical Composition of Water Lily (Nymphaea lotus) Bulbs. American Journal of Food Science
and Nutrition. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2017, pp. 7-12.
Water lily (Nymphaea lotus) bulbs from Mankhanwa River in Ibi – Nigeria were
quantified for their biochemical composition. Proximate composition, anti-nutritional
factors, minerals, vitamins and phytochemical contents in the plant bulb were assayed
using Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) standard methods. Values
were obtained in duplicate and results tabulated using mean ± standard deviation. The
result of the proximate analysis shows the following composition: crude fat (5.07 ±
0.01%), crude fiber (13.30 ± 0.02), crude protein (21.66 ± 0.01), ash (8.34 ± 0.01),
moisture (9.72 ± 0.00) and carbohydrate (41.92 ± 0.06%). The present research also
revealed that Nymphaea lotus bulb contains some vital phytochemicals: phytate (3.68 ±
0.01 mg/100g), tannin (13.63 ± 0.01), saponins (4.89 ± 0.01) and lycopene (1.96 ± 0.01)
and very rich in minerals: phosphorus (635.39 ± 0.01 mg/100g), potassium (742.89 ±
0.04), sodium (431.53 ± 0.01), zinc (8.16 ± 0.01) and magnesium (87.46 ± 0.01). Other
minerals obtained in this research include: cadmium, lead and copper in trace quantity.
Vitamin A (51.36 ± 0.02 mg/100g) and C (24.65 ± 0.02) were found in moderate
quantities. Other vitamins obtained in trace amount include: B1, B2 and E. Anti-nutrients
were found to also exist in trace quantities. Information from this biochemical
quantification suggests that the bulb from this important aquatic plant can be
incorporated as a good source of nutrients in food industries for flour production,
pharmaceutical industries for drug production as well as in the cosmetic industries.
1. Introduction
An observable feature in most of the lakes and ponds in Taraba State, Nigeria is the
richness of their aquatic flora. Water lilies among the aquatic flora are the most abundant
in all the water bodies in the state. Their presence to an observer is that of an aesthetic
and serene aquatic environment. The white water lily type is predominant and grows
freely in most environments in Taraba State more specifically in Ibi (where samples for
this research were obtained) and Gindin-Doruwa areas of the state. The plant has wide-
round leaves that float flat on the water surface. They are greenish in colour thus able to
carry out photosynthesis. These white water lilies produce bulbs that develop from the
matured flowers. The bulbs look like the onion bulbs though greenish in colour and
contain numerous little seeds inside them unlike the onion bulbs. People within Ibi area
eat the bulb and describe it to be tasteless and slimy like okra. The bulbs easily
deteriorate when harvested from its environment and exposed to different environmental
condition without following necessary preservation precaution. This may be due to high

8 Ezeonu Chukwuma Stephen et al.: Chemical Composition of Water Lily (Nymphaea lotus) Bulbs

microbial activities occurring either on the bulb or inside the
bulb from the aquatic environment. According to Obot and
Ayeni [1], Nymphaea lotus is one of the foremost aquatic
macrophytes that have been identified in Nigerian freshwater
bodies. Despite this fact, Mohammed and Awodoyin [2]
stated that there is dearth of information on water lily even
though it is abundant in fresh water bodies in Nigeria. In
advocating for utilization of Nymphaea lotus as supplement
to fish/livestock feeds, Mohammed et al. [3] examined water
lily from Tatabu flood plain of North Central Nigeria and
discovered that they indeed posses some nutritional values.
This current research specifically examined the nutritional,
anti-nutritional and phytochemiical contents in Nymphaea
lotus bulbs from Mankhanwa River in Ibi Local Government
Area of Taraba State.

2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sample Collection
Fresh bulbs of Nymphaea lotus were collected from
Mankhanwa River in Ibi LGA., Taraba State, Nigeria on
April 13th, 2016 at exactly 9:00 am and the second sample
was also collected on 2nd May, 2016. The bulbs were
carefully rinsed with clean water; air dried for two (2) weeks
in the laboratory and the biochemical compositions
determined using AOAC (2000) standard methodologies.
2.2. Proximate Composition of the Sample
2.2.1. Moisture Content
Moisture contents of the various oilseeds were determined
using oven (GenlabMiNO/30 UK). Differences in weight are
calculated as:
   
!" (1)
2.2.2. Protein Analysis
Protein levels in sample using the Kjeldahl Nitrogen
determination of protein as reported by AOAC [4], with
results adjusted through calculation as:
#  $%$$$&'()*+,-./0,1$&$$
2*%345.67/, *.8,9 (2)
:;<=>?@  A  B%CD (3)
2.2.3. Amino Acid
Using the AOAC [4] methodology for Amino acid
analysis, Buck Scientific (USA) (BLC10/11- model) High
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) equipped with
UV 338nm detector, column with C18, 2.5 x 200mm, 5µm
column and a mobile phase of 1:2:2 (100mM sodium
sulphate, pH 7.2; acetonitrile; methanol (v/v/v) at a flow rate
of 0.45 ml/minute and an operating temperature of 40oC. The
various amino acids were determined.
2.2.4. Determination of Anti- nutrition and
Antinutritional and Phytochemical contents in Nymphaea
lotus bulb was carried out using Buck Scientific (USA)
(BLC10/11 model) High Performance Liquid
Chromatography (HPLC) system fitted with a fluorescence
detector (excitation at 295nm and emission at 325nm) and an
analytical silica column (25cm x 4.6mm ID, stainless steel,
5µm). The mobile phase used was hexane: tetrahydrofuran:
iso-propanol (1000:60:4 v/v/v) at a flow rate of 1ml/min. The
methodology is according to AOAC [4]. The concentration
of the anti-nutrient was calculated using the following
[Conc. Of anti-nutrient] = [a sample x [STD] (ppm) x VHEX
(ml)]/[A STD x wt sample (g)]. (4)
[Conc. Of anti-nutrient] = concentration of Anti-nutrient in
[STD] = concentration of standard
A sample = peak area of sample
A STD = peak area of standard
V HEX = Volume of hexane
Wt. Sample = weight of sample [4].
2.2.5. Ash Content
The dry ashing method of AOAC [4] was adapted.
Calculation for ash content was as shown below:
2.2.6. Determination of Fat in Nymphaea
lotus Bulb
Determination of fat in Nymphaea lotus bulb was
according to AOAC [4] methodologies for analysis of food
The percentage weight of fat contents was calculated viz:
YZ=[<@=>@=  EVJ\LFGH]PF^R_F
2.2.7. Determination of Fibre Nymphaea
Lotus Bulb
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) [4]
standard methods for determination of food stuff was used to
ascertain the fibre content in Nymphaea lotus bulb sample.
The loss in weight on ignition was multiplied, by 100. The
result gave the percentage of fibre in the sample.
2.2.8. Digestion Procedures for Mineral
Analysis (Dry Ash Procedure)
Mineral analysis of sample (dry water lily bulb) was
carried out using AAS with specific lamps (for all mineral

American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition 2017; 4(2): 7-12 9

elements and heavy metals) and flame photometer (for Na
and K) using air acetylene flame integrated mode and
quantity concentration of unknown from the calibration curve
of standards [4].
2.2.9. Determination of Water and Fat
Soluble VITAMINS by Isocratic HPLC
Buck Scientific (USA) (BLC10/11- model) HPLC
equipped with UV 325nm and UV 254nm detectors was used
for fat and water soluble vitamins determination of sample
respectively. AC18, 4.6 x 150mm, 5µm column and a mobile
phase of 95.5 (methanol: water) was used at a flow rate of
1.00ml/minute and an ambient operating temperature.
2.2.10. Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis was carried out with the use of
standard Students T-distribution test using Statistical Package
for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and values presented
as mean ± standard deviation.
3. Result
The results of the analysis involved proximate
composition, mineral analysis, vitamin contents, anti-
nutritional components as well as phytochemical composition
of Nymphaea lotus. The results obtained are shown below:
Table 1. Proximate composition of water lily (Nymphaea lotus), bulb.
Crude Protein 21.66 ± 0.014
Crude Fat 5.07 ± 0.014
Crude Fiber 13.30 ± 0.021
Ash 8.34 ± 0.007
Moisture 9.72 ± 0.000
Carbohydrate 41.92 ± 0.056
All values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of
duplicate results.
Table 2. Vitamins composition of water lily bulb.
Vitamin A 51.360 ± 0.020
Vitamin B
0.085 ± 0.001
Vitamin B
0.065 ± 0.007
Vitamin C 24.650 ± 0.021
Vitamin E 1.340 ± 0.014
All values are expressed as Mean ± Standard deviation of
duplicate results.
Table 3. Mineral content of the water lily bulb.
Potassium 742.89 ± 0.040
Phosphorus 635.39 ± 0.020
Sodium 431.53 ± 0.010
Zinc 8.16 ± 0.014
Cadmium 1.37 ± 0.021
Lead 0.012 ± 0.000
Iron 41.38 ± 0.021
Copper 12.36 ± 0.022
Magnesium 87.46 ± 0.007
All values are expressed as Mean ± Standard deviation of
duplicate results.
Table 4. Anti-Nutrients content in water lily bulb.
Phytates 3.68 ± 0.014
Nitrates 0.47 ± 0.021
Oxalate 8.76 ± 0.014
Tannins 13.63 ± 0.010
Saponins 4.89 ± 0.014
All values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of
duplicate results.
Table 5. Phytochemical content in water lily bulb.
Cyanides 0.84 ± 0.01
Caffeine 4.68 ± 0.01
β-Carotene 5.62 ± 0.01
Lycopene 1.96 ± 0.01
Hesperidins 6.56 ± 0.01
Rutin 0.87 ± 0.02
Diadzein 3.62 ± 0.01
Genistein 7.54 ± 0.02
All values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of
duplicate results.
Table 6. Table of Nitrogen Free Extract and Gross Energy.
% NFE Energy Kcalorie/100g
55.22 ± 0.035 353.13 ± 0.042
4. Discussion
4.1. Proximate Composition
The proximate composition of the water lily bulb is
presented in table 1. The crude protein value (21.66 ±
0.014%) in Nymphaea lotus bulb obtained in this research
was higher in comparison to the one gotten from the root
sample (1.02 ± 0.190%), leave sample (5.82 ± 0.220%), and
seed sample (1.04 ± 0.170%) [5]. This may be due to micro-
habitat variation in the study area or due to differences in the
part of the plant used which showed that the bulb contain
much of the crude protein than the other parts of the plant.
Crude protein is an important feed ingredient normally used
as a major ingredient in fish feed formulation [3], especially
those obtained from Nymphaea lotus bulb. This shows that
the bulb can be used in animal/fish feed formulation, infant
and adult nutrient additive. The crude fat obtained from the
bulb (5.07 ± 0.014 %) in this research was not in the same
range with those obtained in the leave (2.18 ± 0.290%) and
root sample (2.00 ± 0.500%) [5]. But the value in the leaves
(4.83 ± 0.210%) obtained by Muhammed et al. [3], agree
with the findings from this research which is important in
correlating to vitamin absorption. The carbohydrate content
in the bulb of Nymphaea lotus (41.92 ± 0.056%) examined
here was higher among the rest of the proximate components

10 Ezeonu Chukwuma Stephen et al.: Chemical Composition of Water Lily (Nymphaea lotus) Bulbs

quantified. Considerably, high amount of carbohydrate in the
bulb indicate that it can be used as a good source of energy as
shown in table 6 where the energy level obtained from the
plant bulb is 353.13 ± 0.042 KCalorie/100g. Also the crude
fiber value (13.30 ± 0.021%) obtained in Nymphaea lotus
bulb examined herein is quite appreciable and similar to that
gotten by Muhammed et al. [3] in the rhizome (13.24 ±
0.350%). Past studies have linked low fiber content in diets
with health problems like heart disorder, bowel cancer and
appendicitis [6]. Therefore, Nymphaea lotus bulb when
consumed will prevent health problems linked with bowel
cancer, heart disorder and appendicitis. The moisture content
(9.72 ± 0.000%) in dry sample quantified was low which
shows that the bulb can be processed and saved for animal
farm use and human diet. Some level of moisture as obtained
in this research is also adequate in order to retain the
nutritional contents in the water lily bulb.
4.2. Vitamin Composition
The vitamin content of the water lily bulb is shown in table
2. It is shown that the bulb contains a very good amount of
Vitamin A (51.3 ± 0.020mg/100g). Vitamin A protects the
lining of respiratory digestion urinary tracts against infection
and serves as a visual pigment of the vertebrate eye [7-8].
The bulb also contains a high content of vitamin C (24.65 ±
0.021 mg/100g). Ascorbic acid was earlier reported to
enhance iron absorption [8], it also prevent debilitating
diseases [9] as well as enhance quick wound healing and
general wellbeing of humans. Vitamin C increases the health
and resilience of tendons, ligaments and collagen. The water
lily (Nymphaea lotus) bulb understudied also contains
vitamin E but the value was not much, (1.34 ± 0.014
mg/100g). Vitamin E intake was linked to a decreased
incidence of prostate and breast cancer [10]. Vitamin B1
(0.085 ± 0.001mg/100g) and Vitamin B2 (0.065 ± 0.007
mg/100g), were found to be low in the bulb. The composition
of those vitamins present in the bulb like the vitamin C can
be used as supplements in food product to increase their
availability in the system.
4.3. Mineral Composition
The mineral compositions of Nymphaea lotus bulb content
is presented in table 3. Generally, the bulb of water lily
contains important valuable mineral elements. The potassium
content of the bulb (742.89 ± 0.040mg/100g), was higher
than all other mineral found within the bulb. Nervous system
and muscles activities are attributable to the presence of
potassium. Potassium helps to maintain the correct water
balance in the cells of the nerves and muscles [11]. The water
lily investigated also had appreciable high content of
phosphorus (635.39 ± 0.020mg/100g) which is considerably
higher than the one obtained in the leave sample (0.31 ±
0.001ppm) and root sample (0.19 ± 0.002ppm) [8]. This may
be due to ecological variation or the part of plant being used
as the bulb contains more of this mineral element. This
mineral is integral in energy storage and helps maintain and
repair cells and tissues [12]. Phosphorus is important for
healthy bones and teeth; found in every cell; part of the
system that maintains acid-base balance [13]. Therefore,
phosphorus from water lily may be extracted and used for
solving problems associated with bone defect, cell and tissue
maintenance. The bulb also contains a high amount of
sodium (431.53 ± 0.010mg/100g) and magnesium (87.46 ±
0.010), but moderately rich in iron (41.38 ± 0.020) and
copper (12.36 ± 0.020). Iron is an essential part of many
enzymes and proteins. It helps red blood cells transport
oxygen to all the parts of the human body. Iron also helps
regulate cell growth and cell differentiation [12]. It helps
keep muscles and nerves functioning normally and also helps
to regulate heartbeat, supports the immune system and keeps
the bones strong [12]. Iron is also part of a molecule
(haemoglobin) found in red blood cell that carries oxygen in
the body; needed for energy metabolism [13]. Copper is
needed as a part of many enzymes; needed for iron
metabolism [13].
4.4. Anti-nutritional and Phytochemical
Tables 4 and 5 represent selected anti-nutritional and
phytochemical content of the water lily bulb. The anti-
nutrients (Tannins =13.63 ± 0.010mg/100g; saponins =4.89 ±
0.014 mg/100g; oxalates = 8.76 ± 0.014mg/100g and
phytates= 3.68 ± 0.014mg/100g) obtained in the bulb were
moderately low. Tannins had the highest value and foods rich
in tannins are considered to be of low nutritional value [14].
Tannins are used chiefly in tanning leather, dyeing fabric,
making ink, and in various medical applications [15].
Therefore the tannin content in the bulb can be extracted and
used for making ink and for dyeing fabrics. The detergent
properties of saponin have led to their use in shampoos,
facial cleansers and cosmetic creams [16]. Therefore,
saponins in the bulb can also be extracted by industries for
producing shampoos, facial cleansers and cosmetic creams.
The bulb also contains a significant amount of oxalate. One
of the main applications of oxalic acid is in rust-removal,
which arises because oxalate forms, water-soluble derivatives
with the ferric ion [17]. Powdered oxalate is used as pesticide
in bee keeping combating the bee mite. The anti-nutritional
components which are obtained in low quantities in water lily
bulbs in this research makes the bulb nutritional good,
however, since the water lily bulbs are readily available,
these anti-nutritional components may be exploited for their
industrial usage as illustrated above.
There are also appreciable quantities of phytochemicals
present in the water lily investigated. They contain good
amount of beta-carotene (5.62 ± 0.010mg/100g). Beta-
carotene is an antioxidant; it protects the body from
damaging molecules called free radicals. Free radicals
damage cells through a process known as oxidation [18]. The
beta-carotene component can be extracted and used to protect
the body against free radical that may be threat to the cell.
Phytic acid plays a role in pancreatic function and insulin
secretion. And it may reduce the glycemic response from
5. Conclusion
This research showed quantification of water lily bulbs with
different biochemical composition such as carbohydrate,
protein, lipid and fiber and also some essential element such as
sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc in
addition to anti-oxidant Vitamins (A, C and E). It also shows
that there are anti-nutritional factors in the bulb which are low
and may be applied to other uses in chemical and
pharmaceutical industries. From the result it is observed that
the bulb is a good source of nutrient for consumption, but due
to the effect of some anti-nutritional composition it is best
advisable that the bulb should be processed first by either
fermentation, or any other method to reduce the anti-nutritional
content like phytates before consumption. Therefore, people
living around this area should embark on a method of
processing the bulb both as food and other economic uses.
Researchers are profoundly grateful to Yahaya Baba Kiri
(AISLT) (the technologist) who assisted in equipment usage in
this work and many others who have contributed in one way or
the other towards the success of this project work especially
Mrs. Ambikya Charity who funded the research as well as the
management of Department of Animal Production Laboratory
of Adamawa State University, Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria
whose facilities were used for this research work.
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