Part 2 A comprehensive review on Nymphaea stellata: A traditionally used bitter

Antidiabetic Activity

The defatted ethanolic leaf extract (14.26 %w/w) at a dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg was studied for hypoglycemic activity in alloxan-induced diabetic rats (Wistar, 150 – 220 g). Oral treatment significantly and dose-dependently reduced the hyperglycemia. Moreover, it decreased the levels of cholesterol (CHL) and triglycerides (TGL) that had been increased by the alloxan treatment. On the contrary, no effect was seen in normal rats, both in the glucose and lipid plasma levels. The hypocholesterolemic effect of the ethanolic extract of the leaves of N. stellata could possibly be related to its amino acid and saponin composition.[] The hydroalcoholic extract (yield: 6.8% w/w) of flowers at 200, 300, and 400 mg/kg (oral) were studied in normoglycemic and alloxan-induced diabetic rats (Male, Wistar strain, 150 – 200 g). It showed no hypoglycemic effect in normoglycemic animals, but showed statistically significant antihyperglycemic activity by improvement seen on the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). The flower extract caused significant reduction in the blood glucose level of diabetic rats. The dose of 300 mg/kg showed significant blood glucose level reduction (45%), fours hours after administration of the flower extract. The hydroalcoholic extract also showed a dose-dependent response.[]

The antidiabetic effect of hydroalcoholic extract of the N. stellata flower could be linked to more than one mechanism. The possible mechanism includes the stimulation of β-cells and a subsequent release of insulin and activation of the insulin receptors. The antihyperglycemic action may be due to the potentiation of pancreatic secretion of insulin, which is clearly evident from the increased level of insulin in the treated rats. N. stellata also acts as a hepatoprotective agent,[] therefore, it could have improved the function of the liver and maintained glucose uptake, enhanced transport of blood glucose to the peripheral tissue, and also enhanced utilization, which may be another mechanism of action. The extract might have also have stimulated glycogenesis and / or inhibited glycogennolysis in the diabetic rat liver. Administration of the extract reduced TC, TG, LDL, VLDL, and also improved the HDL level. Serum phospholipid was elevated, whereas, the phospholipids in the liver and kidney were decreased. Treatment could have restored the normal metabolism by shifting the balance from lipid metabolism to carbohydrate metabolism.[]

Oral administration of N. stellata flower extract for 30 consecutive days to diabetic rats also decreased their food consumption and improved body weight. This could be due to a better control of the hyperglycemic state in the diabetic rats. Administration of te flower extract to diabetic rats significantly increased the level of total hemoglobin, which might be due to the decreased level of blood glucose. Oral administration of the flower extract improved the total protein concentration in the serum. Administration of N. stellata flower extract to diabetic rats reversed the changes and improved the HDL levels. These results unmistakably indicate that the flower extract could effectively manage the diabetic complications such as body weight maintenance, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular complications in diabetes mellitus and progression of atherosclerosis.[] Nymphayol (25,26-dinorcholest-5-en-3b-ol), a new sterol isolated from the bioactive successive chloroform flower extract has been reported for its antidiabetic activity at 20 mg/kg bw in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Oral administration of Nymphayol for 45 days significantly restored the plasma glucose levels and increased the plasma insulin levels to near normal in STZ-diabetic rats. Light microscopy and immunocytochemical staining of Nymphayol-treated diabetic pancreas revealed an increased number of insulin positive β-cells. The mode of action of Nymphayol may be due to the reversal of the damaged endocrine tissue, thereby stimulating the secretion of insulin in β-cells, as revealed by insulin assay. The active principle of Nymphayol enhances the antioxidant defense against the reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced under hyperglycemic conditions and thus protects the pancreatic β-cells against loss.[]

Tumor Inhibition Studies

The methanolic extract of Nymphaea nouchali roots at 200 μg/ml were screened for their inhibitory activity toward tumor promoter 12-O-hexadecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced Epstein-Barr virus activation in the Raji cells. The extract was inactive with zero inhibition rate.[]

Antihepatotoxic Effect

The alcoholic extract (yield, 9% w/w) of the N. stellata flowers was evaluated against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic damage in albino Wistar rats (8 – 10 weeks, 100 – 120 g) at 250, 500, and 750 mg/kg (orally), in the form of an aqueous suspension, once a day, for 10 days. The hepatoprotective activity exerted by the extract could be due to cell membrane stabilization, hepatic cell regeneration, and activation of antioxidative enzymes such as glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase.[] The petroleum ether extracts of N. stellata seeds were tested against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity in rats and mice at a dose of 300 mg/kg i.p. The extract markedly reduced the prolongation of sleeping time and significantly prevented the CCl4-induced increase in weight and volume of the liver, and the mortality. The extract also prevented necrosis of the liver and promoted, to some extent, liver generation.[]

Cholinergic Activity

The alcohol extract of the defatted fruits of N. stellata produced mild sedation and ataxia, potentiated hexobarbitone-induced hypnosis in mice, and also produced a sharp and transient hypotension blocked by pretreatment with atropine. If large doses were administered after atropinization, a rise in blood pressure and also a stimulant effect was observed on guinea pig ileum, indicating the presence of some unstable cholinergic principle.[]

Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activity

The extract had a significant analgesic activity as revealed by the aconitine-induced writhing in mice and the antipyretic activity against carrageenin-induced rat paw edema. The anti-inflammatory activity exhibited was comparable to that of hydrocortisone.[]

Antimicrobial Activity

Flowers of N. nouchali were effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus.[] N. stellata also demonstrated a broad spectrum of activity against phytopathogenic bacteria. The ethanolic extract of Nymphaea stellata leaves has shown considerable antibacterial activity against E. coli.[]

Other Activities

The LD50 of 50% ethanol extract of N. stellata was found to be 681 mg/kg in albino mice. N. stellata was found to be inactive as an antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiviral, diuretic, with no effect on the cardiovascular system and central nervous system.[]


Regarding the copious synonymy, a lot more study remains to be done, to precisely differentiate the closely related species and varieties. The numerous vernacular names used complicate the identification of the traditionally claimed species. However, anatomical studies will provide details for establishing the identity and the degree of purity. The traditional usage will give an idea of how people treat different health problems with the aid of N. stellata parts. Taking into account the magnitude of its traditional uses, the studies conducted are still too scant.

To date sterols, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and flavonoids are reported from different parts. Bitter principles are known for a variety of biological responses like blood sugar regulation, stimulating the gastric reflex, and increasing the secretion of enzymes. Although traditionally N. stellata is considered as bitter, no particular bitter principle has been identified. However, there is very good agreement between the traditional use and experimentally observed effect — the hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and particularly antidiabetic activity. Nymphayol, an isolated steroid reverses the damaged endocrine tissue and stimulates secretion of insulin in β-cells, accentuating the fact that traditional uses of medicinal plants are frequently coherent with the pharmacological effects of the main active principles. On the other hand, experimental studies have uncovered the potential uses of N. stellata in hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular complications in diabetes, and also in the progression of atherosclerosis.

Some trends in N. stellata should be reassessed. It is evident from the reference list of the present study that extracts have been the object of relatively many investigations, while fractions of bioactive extract / pure compounds have so far been neglected by phytochemists and pharmacologists. Future phytochemical investigation may be focused on identifying bioactive moieties, such as the unstable cholinergic principle reported and the constituents responsible for the anti-inflammatory and antihepatotoxic effect. Part of the future pharmacological investigation should center their focus on exhaustive studies on unexplored claims like aphrodisia and their effectiveness in urinary disorders, menorrhagia, blenorrhagia, and menstruation problems. It is expected that many novelties will rapidly enlarge the current knowledge about N. stellata, their constituents, and corresponding pharmacological effects.


Source of Support: Nil

Conflict of Interest: Nil.


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