Knowledge at your Fingertips

We work hard to curate peer-reviewed articles and published studies. We have our finger on the pulse of scientific advances related to Egyptian Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Nouchali var. Caerulea) and other closely related plants so that you don't have to.


Part 4 - Preparation of microgel co-loaded with...

References 1.Guo F, Yang X, Li X, Feng R, Guan C, Wang Y, et al. Nuciferine prevents hepatic steatosis and injury induced by a high-fat diet in hamsters. PLoS One. (2013) 8:e63770....

Part 4 - Preparation of microgel co-loaded with...

References 1.Guo F, Yang X, Li X, Feng R, Guan C, Wang Y, et al. Nuciferine prevents hepatic steatosis and injury induced by a high-fat diet in hamsters. PLoS One. (2013) 8:e63770....

Part 3 - Nuciferine modulates the gut microbiot...

LQNK201737), and the Scientific Research Fund of Liaoning EducationDepartment (No. ZF2019037).Conflict of interestThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.Publisher’s noteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional...

Part 3 - Nuciferine modulates the gut microbiot...

LQNK201737), and the Scientific Research Fund of Liaoning EducationDepartment (No. ZF2019037).Conflict of interestThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.Publisher’s noteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional...

Part 2 Profile of bioactive compounds in Nympha...

Abbreviations A: Absorbance AAE: Aqueous ethanolic extract ALP: Alkaline phosphatase ALT: Alanine aminotransferase AST: Aspartate aminotransferase CAT: Catalase DPPH: 1, 1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl EFAs: Essential fatty acids FAME: Fatty acid methyl ester...

Part 2 Profile of bioactive compounds in Nympha...

Abbreviations A: Absorbance AAE: Aqueous ethanolic extract ALP: Alkaline phosphatase ALT: Alanine aminotransferase AST: Aspartate aminotransferase CAT: Catalase DPPH: 1, 1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl EFAs: Essential fatty acids FAME: Fatty acid methyl ester...

Part 3 Chemical Composition, Market Survey, and...

References 1.South African National Biodiversity Institute Nymphaea nouchali Var. Caeruleae. [(accessed on 24 April 2023)]. Available online: 2.The World Flora Online Nymphaea caerulea Savigny. [(accessed on 25 April 2023)]. Available...

Part 3 Chemical Composition, Market Survey, and...

References 1.South African National Biodiversity Institute Nymphaea nouchali Var. Caeruleae. [(accessed on 24 April 2023)]. Available online: 2.The World Flora Online Nymphaea caerulea Savigny. [(accessed on 25 April 2023)]. Available...

Part 2 Chemical Composition, Market Survey, and...

2.4. Safety Assessment N. caerulea is not GRAS classified, and no published safety data were found on the plant or the extracts as a whole. However, the plant has a long...

Part 2 Chemical Composition, Market Survey, and...

2.4. Safety Assessment N. caerulea is not GRAS classified, and no published safety data were found on the plant or the extracts as a whole. However, the plant has a long...