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Ankhclave Foundation

Sesen - Whole Egyptian Blue Lotus Flower

Sesen - Whole Egyptian Blue Lotus Flower

Regular price $16.00 USD
Regular price $30.00 USD Sale price $16.00 USD
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Genuine Nymphaea Nouchali var. Caerulea, the lotus flower of ancient Egypt. 

Organic, non-GMO, nut and gluten free. Sustainably sourced, no pesticides or chemicals - ever.

Highest quality Egyptian blue lotus on the market. Don't agree? We will refund you AND replace your product.

For tea, use 1-3 flowers. Try it as a cold brew!

For maximum health and wellness benefit, consume the entire flower (as the ancient Egyptians did) 2-3 times a day using 1-2 flowers each time. Crush or blend the flower until the no large core pieces are visible and add it to your favorite shake or drink, or on top of any food to add a light flavor and a pop of color.

Can be infused in wine (as the ancient Egyptians did), adding a pleasant, fruity, slightly flowery taste and safely extracting most of the flower's nutrients.

Can be ground and smoked alone or with your favorite herbs.

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Frequently asked questions

Is blue lotus safe?

Yes, it is safe.

The Egyptian Blue Lotus plant is notoriously difficult to identify, and several plants in the Nymphaea genus do have compounds that are harmful to humans. This is why we have every batch tested by an independent lab to verify it is authentic and safe for human consumption.

Will this show on a drug test?


Their are no compounds in the lotus flower that would show up on any drug test.

How can I learn more?

We are working hard to gather peer-reviewed articles/studies on the lotus flower, as well as other useful resources.

To check out our collection so far, click here.

Customer Reviews

Based on 37 reviews

I love to infusion herbs in things and this one is my new favorite. Oil, wine, beer, even salad dressing. Will buy again!

Kim Kató

My favorite after work treat!

Teresa Payton

I was skeptical of all the 5 star reviews, but this did not disappoint!!

Liliana Chalupník

makes a great tea

John Ruiz
great price

I have used lotus tea for over a year and will never buy another brand again. A lot of lotus is old and low quality, but this hits every time.